Whenever people gather together to achieve goals, some rules of conduct are needed to help everyone work together efficiently, effectively, and harmoniously. Some people have problems with “rules” and “authority figures,” and past experience may have justified these thoughts and feelings; however, at IWR, we hold ourselves to a high standard of quality where the rules and authority figures simply assure that quality is maintained.
You have a responsibility to IWR and to your fellow project workers to adhere to certain rules of behavior and conduct in the rehabilitation center. The purpose of these rules is not to restrict your rights, but rather to be certain that you understand what conduct is expected and necessary. When each person is aware that he or she can fully depend upon fellow project workers to follow the rules of conduct, then our project will produce results we can all be proud of.
Unacceptable Activities
Generally speaking, we expect each person to act in a mature and responsible way at all times. However, to avoid any possible confusion, some of the more obvious unacceptable activities are noted below. Your avoidance of these activities will be to your benefit as well as the benefit of IWR. If you have any questions concerning any work or safety rule, or any of the unacceptable activities listed, please see your supervisor for an explanation.
Occurrences of any of the following violations, because of their seriousness, may result in immediate removal from the IWR project site:
- Willful violation of any company rule; any deliberate action that is extreme in nature and is obviously detrimental to IWR’s efforts to operate an oiled wildlife rehabilitation program.
- Willful violation of security or safety rules or failure to observe safety rules or IWR safety practices.
- Negligence or any careless action which endangers the life or safety of another person.
- Being intoxicated or under the influence of controlled substance drugs while on the project; use or possession or sale of controlled substance drugs in any quantity while on project premises except medications prescribed by a physician which do not impair work performance.
- Unauthorized possession of dangerous or illegal firearms, weapons or explosives on company property or while on duty.
- Engaging in criminal conduct or acts of violence, or making threats of violence toward anyone on company premises or when representing IWR; fighting, or horseplay or provoking a fight on company property, or negligent damage of property.
- Insubordination or refusing to obey instructions properly issued by your supervisor pertaining to your work.
- Threatening, intimidating or coercing fellow workers on or off the premises — at any time, for any purpose.
- Engaging in an act of sabotage; willfully or with gross negligence causing the destruction or damage of company property, or the property of fellow workers, clients, suppliers, or visitors in any manner.
- Theft of company property or the property of fellow project workers; unauthorized possession or removal of any company property, including documents, from the premises without prior permission from management; unauthorized use of company equipment or property for personal reasons; using company equipment for profit.
- Dishonesty; willful falsification or misrepresentation on your application for employment or other work records.
- Malicious gossip and/or spreading rumors; engaging in behavior designed to create discord and lack of harmony; interfering with other workers on the job; willfully restricting work output or encouraging others to do the same.
- Immoral conduct or indecency on company property.
- Occurrences of any of the following activities, as well as violations of any IWR rules or policies, may be subject to disciplinary action, including immediate removal from the project.
- Unsatisfactory or careless work; failure to meet established performance standards; mistakes due to carelessness or failure to get necessary instructions.
- Any act of harassment or intimidation, sexual, racial or other.
- Leaving work before the end of a workday or not being ready to work at the start of a workday without approval of your supervisor; stopping work before time specified for such purposes.
- Sleeping on the job; loitering or loafing during working hours.
- Excessive use of company telephone for personal calls.
- Leaving your work station during your work hours without permission, except to use the rest room.
- Smoking in the rehabilitation center or other restricted areas.
- Creating or contributing to unsanitary conditions.
- Posting, removing or altering notices on any bulletin board on company property without permission of an officer of IWR.
- Failure to report an absence or late arrival; excessive absence or lateness.
- Filling your own order or invoicing or ringing up your own order.
- Obscene or abusive language toward any supervisor, project worker or client; indifference or rudeness towards a client or fellow project worker; any disorderly/antagonistic conduct on company premises.
- Speeding or careless driving of company vehicles.
- Failure to immediately report damage to, or an accident involving company equipment.
- Soliciting during working hours and/or in working areas; selling merchandise or collecting funds of any kind for charities or others without authorization during business hours, or at a time or place that interferes with the work of another employee on company premises.
- Wearing improper or unsafe clothing.
- Failure to use your timecard; alteration of your own timecard or records or attendance documents; punching or altering another worker’s timecard or records, or causing someone to alter your timecard or records.