HAIR FOLLICLES. A cavity or sac in the body in which hair is produced.
HEMATOPOIETIC. Pertaining to or affecting the formation of blood cells.
HEMOCULT TEST. Bacteriological culture of the blood.
HEMODIALYSIS. The removal of certain elements from the blood by virtue of the different diffusion rates through a semipermeable membrane.
HEMORRHAGIC GASTROENTERITIS. Bleeding and inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
HEPATOENCEPHALOPATHY. A degenerative disease of the brain, usually occurring secondarily to advanced liver disease but also seen in the course of any severe disease.
HISTIOCYTOSIS. A condition marked by the abnormal appearance of histiocytes in the blood.
HYPERCAPNIA. Excess of carbon dioxide in the blood.
HYPERKALEMIA. Abnormally high potassium concentration in the blood, most often due to defective renal excretion.
HYPERPHOSPHATEMIA. An excessive amount of phosphates in the blood.
HYPERPLASIA. The abnormal multiplication or increase in the number of normal cells in normal arrangement in a tissue.
HYPERTHERMIA. Abnormally high body temperature.
HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA. An excess of triglycerides in the blood.
HYPERVENTILATION. A state in which an increased amount of air entering the pulmonary alveoli (increased alveolar ventilation), results in reduction of carbon dioxide tension and eventually leads to alkalosis; deep and rapid breathing.
HYPOALBUMINEMIA. An abnormally low albumin (a type of plasma protein) content of the blood.
HYPOGLYCEMIA. An abnormally diminished glucose content of the blood, which may lead to tremulousness, cold sweat, piloerection, hypothermia, and headache accompanied by confusion, hallucinations, bizarre behavior, and ultimately, convulsions and coma.
HYPOREFLEXIA. Weakening of the reflexes.
HYPOTHERMIA. An abnormally low core body temperature.
HYPOXIC TISSUES. Low oxygen content or tension; deficiency of oxygen in tissues.
IMMUNOSUPPRESSED. Artificial prevention or diminution of the immune response.
INTERSTITIAL. Occupying the small, narrow spaces or interstices of tissue.
INTRAGASTRIC LAVAGE. The irrigation or washing out of the stomach.
ISCHEMIA. Deficiency of blood supply due to functional constriction or actual obstruction of a blood vessel.
ISOTONIC. Having the same osmotic pressure.
JUGULAR. Pertaining to the neck; a jugular vein.
LARYNGEAL. Pertaining to the larynx.
LAVAGE. The irrigation or washing out of an organ, such as the stomach or bowel.
LEPTOSPIROSIS. Infection by Leptospira. The infections are transmitted to man from dogs, swine, and rodents or by contact with contaminated water, as in swamps, canals, or ponds.
LEUKOCYTE. White blood cell.
MEDIASTINUM. The mass of tissues and organs separating the two lungs, between the sternum in front and the vertebral column behind, and from the thoracic inlet above to the diaphragm below.
MELENA. Dark, tarry stools.
METABOLIC ACIDOSIS. A disturbance in which the acid-base status of the body shifts toward the acid side because of loss of base or the retention of noncarbonic, or fixed acids.
MYOCLONUS. Shock-like contraction of a portion of a muscle, an entire muscle, or a group of muscles; restricted to one area of the body or appearing synchronously or asynchronously in several areas.
MYOCARDIUM. The middle and thickest layer of the heart wall composed of cardiac muscle.
MUSTELIDS. Members of the family Mustelidae: weasels, stoats, badgers, otters, polecats, martens.