• International Wildlife Research

    International Wildlife Research (IWR) is operated by dedicated scientists, veterinarians and wildlife specialists with expertise and experience in the care and rehabilitation of oiled wildlife. We provide expertise for preparing and executing oil spill response operations for sea otters and other marine and terrestrial mammals and we have an ongoing program of research to improve rehabilitation procedures for oiled fur-bearing mammals.

  • International Wildlife Research

    International Wildlife Research (IWR) is operated by dedicated scientists, veterinarians and wildlife specialists with expertise and experience in the care and rehabilitation of oiled wildlife. We provide expertise for preparing and executing oil spill response operations for sea otters and other marine and terrestrial mammals and we have an ongoing program of research to improve rehabilitation procedures for oiled fur-bearing mammals.

  • International Wildlife Research

    International Wildlife Research (IWR) is operated by dedicated scientists, veterinarians and wildlife specialists with expertise and experience in the care and rehabilitation of oiled wildlife. We provide expertise for preparing and executing oil spill response operations for sea otters and other marine and terrestrial mammals and we have an ongoing program of research to improve rehabilitation procedures for oiled fur-bearing mammals.

  • International Wildlife Research

    International Wildlife Research (IWR) is operated by dedicated scientists, veterinarians and wildlife specialists with expertise and experience in the care and rehabilitation of oiled wildlife. We provide expertise for preparing and executing oil spill response operations for sea otters and other marine and terrestrial mammals and we have an ongoing program of research to improve rehabilitation procedures for oiled fur-bearing mammals.

Registration is open for March 2025 training in Anchorage AND Seattle

Join us in March for our 2025 training sessions

This year, the training course will be held on Saturday, March 15, at the Hotel Captain Cook in Anchorage, AK. This will again be a hybrid course. For those in the Seattle area, we will offer an in-person option on March 19 at the Seattle Aquarium. Both courses will provide 8-hours of HAZWOPER First Responder Training so that, in the event of an oil spill, you will be OSHA-approved and able to assist with the care of oiled sea otters in the rehabilitation facility. To satisfy the training requirement and achieve certification, you must complete the online training, pass the online quiz, and be present for the entire course (online or in person) on either March 15 or March 19, respectively. Registration is now open. Click below on the "Oiled Sea Otter Rehabilitation" training course to start the online portion. If you have any questions, contact wildliferesearch.iwr@gmail.com. Phone: 281-250-7839.
Click here to download the Emergency Care and Rehabilitation of Oiled Sea Otters PDF.

Online Training Course – Oiled Sea Otter Rehabilitation

This free online training course is for oiled-wildlife responders. IWR offers free online training courses that can partially qualify you to be an OSHA-certified Wildlife Responder or assist in capturing and transporting oiled sea otters to the rehabilitation facility. Please review the material in Chapters 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 14, and click Certification Quiz. Additional classroom and field instruction offered annually in Alaska will be required to complete your training.

Online Training Course – Sea Otter Capture

This free online training course is for Responders who will assist in capturing, stabilizing, and transporting oiled sea otters. IWR offers free online training courses that can partially qualify you to be an OSHA-certified Wildlife Responder or assist in capturing and transporting oiled sea otters to the rehabilitation facility. Additional classroom and field instruction offered annually in Alaska will be required to complete your training.